Personal Computer Support Rates
- Consulting and repair labor: $115 per hour.
- Weekend rates: $115 per hour.
- Remote access used to support customers or resolve problems:
per hour divided by the minute
- Travel time: One way charge based on our hourly rate from the
center of Conroe to your location. In situations where the work cannot
be scheduled with other work in areas over 15 miles way from Conroe,
there may be an additional charge for the return trip.
- Guaranties: Unless specifically arranged for, all work performed
at the hourly rate has no implicit or otherwise guaranty covering the
result of the work performed. Since the work is on an hourly basis, if
further work is necessary, the normal charges would apply to any
additional work.
- Estimates: All estimates are valid for the terms on the estimate.
Estimates for equipment are firm and unless otherwise noted, estimates
for labor are given on a good faith basis, but are not binding. Actual
charges may differ.
- Make a payment
- Rates and Policies